Jaisalmer | Desert Oasis
Jaisalmer is a small desert town that just might be my favorite place in Rajasthan. Evenings spent watching the sun go down from rooftop restaurants while listening to young boys sing local desert tunes can’t really be topped by much else. As you might have noticed, most cities in Rajasthan have a fort towering above the city and Jaisalmer is no different, except that instead of this fort being turned into a museum, people still inhabit the homes inside. It’s a maze of small alleyways full of shops and elderly grandmothers sitting in doorways. The town also has a certain element of charm since it is so isolated from other large cities in India. Camel herders wander into town for supplies and strike up conversations with you while walking down the street. We encountered no beggars but rather villagers asking if we had any American coins with us for their children to add to their collections or wandering musicians singing on the steps of the fort.